wow - didn't expect last week to end so well - even my Sunday lunch break
at work was productive!!
Sat down to eat and brain started to work - scribbled ideas on a napkin - which all seem to link up as a feasible way to jump back into the research stemming from the work I did on the 'default mode network' and what happens when we start daydreaming!
This strand will continue on my research blog!
Friday and Saturday saw me travelling down to Hastings to visit my friend Myles - he and I have been working on developing paper for his screen prints - (see my web site)
A lovely relaxing two days walking along the sea front/eating really bad food and having great conversations - even a wishful idea to buy a pub there and to turn into a gallery/workshop/living space ..... pubs selling really cheaply in Hastings!
plus - as we walked around the old part of town - I found a new addition for carrying my work/display - a small suitcase - what a gem - lovely!!
and finally..........
I must not forget ..... this is a papermaking blog......
I walked over to the studio today and processed some fibers and made some large sheets of linen and sisal paper that has a touch of golden iridescence pigment......brings me to
a quote from a pamphlet that I picked up at the conference ....
Kathy Crump (who has an amazing studio in California that I visited back in the 90's) writes..
Processing fiber stimulates and provides me with a certain contentment
and continuity in my life.
Making paper is seductive. It leads me into new areas of thoughts.