Mandy Brannan


Saturday, January 23, 2021

30 St Mary Axe - papers

These are some of the papers that I have previously made that respond to this building - now it's time to have another session of paper making. 

The pattern images which I have developed over the last 10 days defiantly enthused me to get processing/beat/pigment the fibres!!

30 St Mary Axe

 Here is the work that I have developed from my images of the building. It's still in it's mock up stage and it's ready to get its cover. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

30 St Mary Axe

This week I returned to work on my favourite building in London. Trying to re-utilise the photographic imagery that I developed over ten years ago while doing my MA course work.

The buildings outer skin is largely made with glass and metal diagrad structures that at different times during the day take on different types of translucency.