Mandy Brannan


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Mexico City

An amazing city to visit. I stayed in a lovely Air BnB in Coyoacan just south of the city centre: across from the Freda Kahlo museum.

One of our visits was to the Anthropologie museum where I discovered lots of information regarding the handmade paper that has been made in Mexico since the 5th Century by the Mayans.

We had found brightly coloured painted works for sale in the markets but I was pleased to find some historical displays in the museum.

amate spirit papers

 Lava stone pounding tools,  
inner bark and papers

 papercut spirits

Huun paper
 Mayan Hierogliphic Codices

After the visit I made it a mission to find unpainted sheets of the bark - amate paper - not easy but found at last....

I am going to write an article about this for my next edition of Pressed - which will have links to photos on Pinterest!