I haven't put much up lately....what with all the teaching and making.
Today I finished the latest edition of Pressed, my small self published magazine that looks at handmade paper making as a facilitator of arts practice.
This one, Number 2: Spring 2017 has an article written by Christine Harrison about her Papermaking PhD experience. I have also written about Mexican amate bark paper that I researched and purchased while I was in Mexico City in February of this year.
So what else have I been up to since I last posted up on this Blog. (if you haven't seen my Facebook page!)
I have done a few Craft shows - one with the wonderful E17 Designers here in Walthamstow, I went to Bristol to share a table with Jane Cradock Watson at BABE, I have been working with the London College of Fashion to see if we can come up with a sustainability plan to recycle their left over fabrics, and I have taught a Masterclass workshop at UCL during the London Craft Week.
In between all of these great events I have been working on more of my new 'Beyond Windows: What has been seen cannot be unseen.' series that will be shown at the Turn the Page artists book fair on the 25th and 26th of May....this upcoming week end. Which is also why I wanted to finish my Pressed 2. I will have this and the Pressed, Number 1 Autumn 2016 on my table at the fair!
Also.....I forgot to show this photo taken in the wonderful market in Coyoacan, south of the centre of Mexico City......we papermakers always need new blender jugs......here they are!