Mandy Brannan


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Small Publishers Fair, Conway Hall

Over the last few weeks I have been getting ready for the Fair....updating older items, creating new ones....

Monday, September 22, 2014

 Up Date....just a few more days left to sign up for this course at Morley College!!

There’s an exciting revival happening in hand papermaking, and you can be part of it! There’s nothing more rewarding than turning wispy plant fibres and formless pulp into crisp sheets with your own choice of colour and texture. These can then be transformed into books, collages, surfaces for other artwork, or even clothes and jewellery – there are no limits. Taking papermaking classes in Morley’s well-equipped studio also gets you the expertise of two tutors – Mandy Brannan and Lucy Baxandall, whose practices cover many different areas of this global craft. Try it this term, when we’ll teach you to make books too – we promise, you’ll be hooked!

Some of my students work from the Book Arts part of the course

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Papermaking with Jane...

It's all about bougainvillea.......

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Bad news....Good news .... & update

The bad news is that the papermaking short course at Central St Martins is not going to run this year...
The good news is that I will be teaching for 5 weeks on the papermaking course at Morley College in South London.

Up-Date......I am starting to List some of my small note books and paper packs on Folksy....check it out!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

a bett'rer experiment.....Honesty

Using some left over fern leaf pulp as an underlying layer I used some honesty seed pods over the top........
 Then made this note book with multiple folded pages, that can be opened to show hidden honest thoughts ....

and a card to go with...

Thursday, June 12, 2014


I have a lovely fuchsia plant growing on my balcony and I have been collecting the blooms and drying them. Wanted to cook them up and embed them in the paper fibres...
Alas much organic mush.....

Another workshop...

This was a workshop at one of my favourite places.....
Colchester Institute

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Work shop

April 24/25th .... was invited to run a workshop at the Regional Print Centre in Wrexham...had a great time...lovely students...great facility....

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Hyacinth experiments

 Well.....under processing and then over processing....add some iridecent pigment and the results are here.....

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

gift of flowers continued...

wow ... really amazed at the amount of flowers given to me this year ..
... these were given to me by another work colleague ... a pot of three hyacinths ... 
.....when the blooms had faded they became dry and developed into wonderful shapes.....
...not sure what I will do with them....right now just love the images...