Mandy Brannan


Monday, November 28, 2011

Now it's time to make some paper for Myles Calvert - screen printer - he wants some grey paper with different iridescent fibers - so cooking up some gampi right now!

Handmade and Bound

The book fair, relocated to St Brides, was a great success....
Not just for me but for most - a great turn out!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

challenging week

hmmmm ........ no internet at home .........
moving out of my studio space (at least two trips a day - lots of walking)........
awfull cold . sniff . sniff

- trying to get enthusiastic about the book fair on sunday -

Handmade and Bound
St Brides
Fleet Street

Oh......went to the Small Publishers Fair, Red Lion Sq, Holbourn last was great to catch up with all my fellow book artists.......