Mandy Brannan


Monday, October 4, 2010

Last two weeks at my studio space in Herne Hill

Spent a lot of time making paper - really love the walk to and from - across Brockwell Park, Brixton. Memories of childhood - all the conkers!!!
The most interesting papers made during this time were the ones that used the ferns. Really loved the results, and when combined with other fibers - !!!!!! - don't think these will end up in paper packs - will keep these for book making or ????

Pine needles - again.........

Gave the pine needles a second chance to redeem themselves . thought I'd use them for the Yahoo papermaking group project - second papers - (see the first ones in an earlier post)
I combined the needles with pigmented gampi and abaca - using some iridescent cloisonne green.
The iridesence gives the paper/pine needles a rather nice effect - though difficult to show on line. I liked the results so I added more green gampi and used the resulting paper for this year's Christmas card.....